To: Prospective Applicants
From: ARK Group DMCC (ARK)
Reference: RFA-ARK-24-YEM-02
Published: Sep 10, 2024
Clarifications: Sep 19, 2024 – 23:00hrs (Local Time: Aden)
Closing Date: Stage 1. Sep 26, 2024 - 23:00hrs (Local Time: Aden)
Closing Date: Stage 2. Oct 15, 2024 - 23:00hrs (Local Time: Aden)
Contact Details:
ARK is a social enterprise, empowering local communities through the provision of agile and sustainable interventions to create greater stability, opportunity, and hope for the future. We believe that strong, resilient communities are the foundation of local, national, regional, and international development and stability and ultimately a safer, peaceful, and more prosperous world. At ARK, we have delivered research and programmatic interventions validating this approach in Yemen since 2008. As a social enterprise we work in partnership with communities, our donors, and other implementers to build local capacities, generate opportunity and bring about sustainable change.
The Yemen Community Resilience Program is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and seeks to collaborate with local Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) by providing grants that enhance their capacities and bolster the sustainability of their protection initiatives that promote sustainable reintegration of former combatants and other at-risk individuals affected by conflict, particularly children and young individuals. To accomplish this, the program will allocate grants to eligible CSOs and CBOS, up to $100,000 (approximately $50,000 per community), tailored to the scope and nature of each grant in the below targeted communities:
Governorate |
District |
Community |
Al-Habeel |
Khanfar |
Al-Lakida |
Batais Al-Gharbiya |
Abyan |
Bajadar |
Al-Wadi/Dal Ahmed |
Zinjibar |
Al-Rayan |
Al-Maraqid |
Aden |
Dar Sa’ad |
Dar Sa’ad Al-Sharqiya |
Sheikh Othman |
Al-Saysaban/Al-Mahareeq |
Qa’taba |
Isaf Maris |
Al-Dhali’ |
Al-Dhali’ |
Al-Dhali’ Town |
Al-Azariq |
Al-Azariq |
Radfan |
Wahhda and Hasi Ala’la |
Lahj |
Yafei |
Lab’oos (Al-Shohada Ber and Jabal Al-Yazidi) |
In addition to funding, following a capacity assessment of successful applicants, ARK will offer technical assistance and share its expertise with these organizations, ensuring not only successful grant implementation but also the long-term sustainability of their initiatives.
Organizations, individually or in consortia, are invited to apply for grants of up to 100,000 USD, provided they satisfy the following criteria:
- hold a valid registration and authorization to operate in Yemen.
- have a formal constitution and recognition by the Republic of Yemen Government; and compliance with all civil, fiscal, and legal regulations.
While for-profit entities may apply for grant funding, they must exclude profit from their grant budgets. Please note that government and parastatal entities are not eligible to apply for these grant funds.
Application process:
There is a two-stage application process.
Stage 1 – Concept note: Potential applicants should submit a concept note no longer than three pages to, on or before the stated deadline. Applications received after the final closing date and time will not be considered for award of grant funds. ARK will then review the concept notes and invite successful applicants to submit a full application.
Stage 2 – Full application: If invited by ARK, organizations should submit an application by email, using the format and templates provided in this RFA, to All applications must be submitted before the stated deadline for each round. Applications received after the final closing date and time will not be considered for award of grant funds.
All applications for stage one and two received before the published closing date will be evaluated. Clarification requests about this RFA and applications should be sent by the time and date stated above. Responses will be shared with all known prospective applicants.
This solicitation does not in any way commit ARK to make an award or compensate the responding organizations for any costs incurred in the preparation and submission of their applications.
تاريخ النشر: 2024/09/12م