المـناقــصات الــمــمـيـزة

اخـــر الوظائف

مختص العلاقات العامة – صنعاء

  • الـجـهـة:
  • الموقع:
  • الانتهاء:

اخــــــر المناقصات

Update: Construction work for Hays water project includes the Pumping line, fence work and equipment room مميـــزة

  • الـجـهـة:: IOM
  • الموقع:: مديرية حيس – محافظة الحديدة
  • الانـتهاء:: 06/11/2024


Important Update:

1- The tender has been extended to 06/11/2024.

2- The old file (IOM Proc Man ANNEX 8 Invitation to Bid EN. SOLAR SYSTEM) has been replaced with a new file attached below.





(For Construction work for Hays water project includes the Pumping line, fence work and equipment room as per the specifications, drawings in the attached BoQs)


ITB Reference No: ITB Construction work for Hays water project.

Country: Yemen.

Date: 09 October 2024.



International Organization for Migration, hereinafter referred to as IOM, hereby invites prospective bidders to submit a bid in accordance with the General Conditions of Contract and the Schedule of Requirements as set out in this Invitation to Bid (ITB).


To enable you to submit a bid, please read the following attached documents carefully.

Section 1: This Letter of Invitation.

Section 2: Instructions to Bidders.

Section 3: Data Sheet.

Section 4: Evaluation Criteria.

Section 5: Schedule of Requirements.

Section 6: Conditions of Contract and Contract Forms.

Section 7: Bidding Forms:

  • Form A: Bid Confirmation.
  • Form B: Checklist.
  • Form C: Bid Submission.
  • Form D: Bidder Information.
  • Form E: Joint Venture/Consortium/Association Information.
  • Form F: Eligibility and Qualification.
  • Form G: Technical Bid.
  • Form H: Price Schedule.
  • Form I: Bid security.


If you are interested in submitting a bid in response to this ITB, please prepare your bid in accordance with the requirements and procedure as set out in this ITB and submit it by the deadline for submission of bids set out in Section 3: Data Sheet.


Please acknowledge receipt of this ITB by completing and returning the attached Form A: Bid Confirmation by email to iomyementender@iom.int no later than 16 October 2024, indicating whether you intend to submit a bid or not. Should you require further clarifications, kindly communicate with the contact person/s identified in Section 3: Data Sheet as the focal point for queries on this ITB.


Deadline for bid submission is on 06-November 2024,  04:00 PM, GMT+3.


Bid submission adress: IOMYEMENTENDER@iom.int 


All vendors should confirm registration on the IOM YEMEN Vendor Registration Platform.


We look forward to receiving your bid.


To download the related documents, please click on the below links in front of “Download attachments”.


Publish Date: 09/10/2024

تم قرأة الاعلان 2758 مرة

ابرز المعلنون

الــقــوائـــم الــبــريــديــة

اشترك بالقائمة البريدية

اشترك بالقائمة البريدية ليصلك اخر المناقصات والوظائف الى بريدك الاليكتروني